Chokeberry Kissel


Delicious jelly from chokeberry is a storehouse of vitamins. It will be especially useful for the elderly and those suffering from increased pressure, because this berry is famous for its hypotensive effect. It can be drunk both cold and hot. And cook it at home everyone can do it!

Let’s get started!


0/4 ingredients


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Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. We prepare products.
  2. Aronia berries are well washed, peeled and grind in a blender. Pass the resulting berry mass through sieve, pouring the juice separately into a container.
  3. We transfer the berry mass to the pan, fill it with water and cook 10 minutes.
  4. Dissolve starch in water, stirring thoroughly.
  5. The boiled berry mass is again filtered through a sieve. Decoction pour into the bowl.
  6. We mix the broth with berry juice, add sugar and put on fire to bring to a boil. The amount of sugar depends solely on your taste preferences.
  7. Pour starch into the boiling liquid with continuous stirring. Bring to a boil again and remove from heat. Add squeezed juice lemon, which will perfectly tint sugar. But if you prefer saturated sweet taste, then lemon juice can not be added.
  • children’s menu
  • diet food
  • jelly
  • drink
  • Healthy diet
  • chokeberry
  • berries

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