Black Tuna Stuffed Eggs


The idea for the festive table, this delicious snack you are very surprise your guests! It’s not at all difficult to cook it at home. just marinate the eggs in advance.

Let’s get started!


0/5 ingredients


Great job

Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Boil eggs in salted water for ten minutes, cool.
  2. Thoroughly peel the eggs, leaving no part of the film.
  3. Place eggs in separate glasses, pour balsamic vinegar.
  4. Remove for a day in the refrigerator. Periodically turn over.
  5. Put the pickled eggs on a napkin.
  6. Cooking mousse. Cut the tip off the sharp end of the egg, carefully remove the yolk.
  7. In a blender, beat 3/4 yolks with tuna into a lush mousse.
  8. Mousse put in a pastry bag, put in each egg asterisk through the nozzle.
  9. When serving, garnish with the remaining grated egg and herbs.
  • New Year

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