Banana mousse

2 Banana mousse

The delicious banana mousse that you cook at home for a few minutes.

Let’s get started!


0/6 ingredients

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  1. We take the most ripe bananas and rub them with a piece of sugar sand so that a homogeneous mass is obtained, similar to mashed potatoes. Banana mousse
  2. The rest of the sugar is dipped in water and boil the syrup. Banana mousse
  3. Into the water boiling with sugar, add pre-soaked gelatin.
  4. Add citric acid to the syrup.
  5. Cool the resulting syrup to about 45 degrees.
  6. Mix the banana mass with syrup, beat well, spread out in portions, garnish with mint leaves and cool a little more. Also You can add chopped bananas.
  • mousse
  • syrup

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